Dr. Dündar received her B.S. degree from Boğaziçi University in 2011 and her Ph.D. degree from Purdue University in 2016. Her Ph.D. thesis is on machine learning with a title “Learning from Minimally Labeled Data with Accelerated Convolutional Neural Networks”. Between 2016 and 2020, she worked at NVIDIA, Santa Clara, USA. In NVIDIA, she worked on deep learning and computer vision. Dr. Dündar’s research fields and interests are machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and software/hardware support for machine learning.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Ercüment Çiçek has been awarded Aziz Sancar Incentive Award by the Health Institutes of Turkey (TÜSEB).
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Eray Tüzün’s project on automatic detection of improper practices in software development process received TÜBİTAK support.