Graduate application system is ready for applications to MS and PhD programs in CS. Applications will be received until Nov 1 , 2021.

Graduate application system is ready for applications to MS and PhD programs in CS. Applications will be received until Nov 1 , 2021.

Graduate application system is ready for applications to MS and PhD programs in Bilkent  Computer Engineering  to start in Spring 2022. Please follow the following link to make an online application: Application System. All applications are received through this page.  Information about our graduate programs can be found at the following page: graduate programs. The deadline for applications is November 1, 2021.


Prof. Cevdet Aykanat’s project on communication models for scalable parallel programming received TÜBİTAK 1001 support.

Prof. Cevdet Aykanat’s project on communication models for scalable parallel programming received TÜBİTAK 1001 support.

Prof. Cevdet Aykanat’s project on a communication models for scalable parallel programming received TÜBİTAK 1001 support (September 2021).

High Performance Computing is pivotal for the success of several recent and high impact machine learning, data science and scientific computing applications. The workload encountered in such parallel applications incurs sparse and irregular communication patterns. So communication overhead manifests itself as a bottleneck in scaling such parallel applications on petascale distributed-memory systems. The communication cost involves metrics such as total communication volume and message count as well as maximum number and volume of communications handled by a processor. Communication overhead minimization is only possible by encapsulating multiple communication cost metrics simultaneously. This project will investigate the related communication models.

Computer Science and Engineering Seminars for Prospective University Students (over Zoom) – August 2021

Computer Science and Engineering Seminars for Prospective University Students (over Zoom) – August 2021

Zoom seminars for prospective university students to introduce Computer Science and Engineering field and Bilkent Computer Engineering Department.



July 30, 2021, 20:30. Please click to register.

August 1, 2021, 20:30. Please click to register.

August 4, 2021, 19:00. Please click to register.

August 7, 2021, 15:00. Please click to register.

August 10, 2021, 16:30. Please click to register.

August 13, 2021, 20:30. Please click to register.

August 15, 2021, 19:00. Please click to register.

Bilkent Computer Engineering students advanced to ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) World Finals to be held in Moscow on Oct 1-6, 2021.

Bilkent Computer Engineering students advanced to ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) World Finals  to be held in Moscow on Oct 1-6, 2021.

A team of Bilkent Computer Engineering students,  Orhan Uysal, Muhammed ikbal Yıldırım,  Oğuzhan Özçelik, will participate in ICPC World Finals. The World Finals will be held in Moscow on October 1-6, 2021.

The International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college students. Teams of three, representing their university, work to solve the most real-world problems, fostering collaboration, creativity, innovation, and the ability to perform under pressure. Through training and competition, teams challenge each other to raise the bar on the possible. Quite simply, it is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world.

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