Prof. Dr. Özcan Öztürk received 2019 Bilkent University Distinguished Teaching Award
Prof. Dr. Özcan Öztürk received 2019 Bilkent University Distinguished Teaching Award.

Prof. Dr. Özcan Öztürk received 2019 Bilkent University Distinguished Teaching Award
The startup company founded by our graduates Ali Çağatay Kuru, Barış Kaya and Burak Kantarcı developed a system that can detect bumps and dips in roads [related news article].
CS Students win Mobile Application Marathon.
A team of Bilkent Computer Engineering students came in first in the Mobile Application Marathon organized by Bilkent University, Bilkent Cyberpark and the Bilkent University–TÜSİAD Information Society Forum.
The marathon, which took place at Cyberpark on February 23–24, was open to all junior, senior and master’s-level university students in Turkey. From among the many who applied to take part, 46 students from Bilkent, Ankara, Abdullah Gül, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali, Gazi, Hacettepe, Konya Technical, Marmara, Middle East Technical and TED universities were chosen to compete in the event.
During the marathon, competitors had 30 hours to develop a mobile application addressing the transformation to an information society. Their apps were then judged by a jury consisting of university faculty members: Asst. Prof. Pelin Angın (METU), Prof. Tolga K. Çapın (TED), Asst. Prof. Hamdi Dibeklioğlu (Bilkent), Assoc. Prof. Nazlı İkizler Cinbiş (Hacettepe), Prof. Refik Samet (Ankara) and Asst. Prof. Uraz Yavanoğlu (Gazi).
The winning team, which competed under the name “Red Pill,” was made up of Bilkent CS students Rumeysa Özaydın, Osman Burak İntişah, Ahmet Serdar Gürbüz and Merve Kılıçarslan. Second place went to 3 Şilahşörler (Marmara), third to The Bros (TED), fourth to Beef (Bilecik Şeyh Edebali) and fifth to AGUCS (Abdullah Gül).
CS graduates Özgür Taşkın ve Ferhat Aydoğan received 2018 Apple Design Award.
Bilkent Hub of the Google #Hash Code Programming Competition attracted a lot of attention. 80 students participated in the competition held on March 1, 2018, at Bilkent Hub.