HIBIT 2021 Symposium will be organized by Bilkent University. Dr. Ercument Çiçek will chair the event.

HIBIT 2021 Symposium will be organized by Bilkent University. Dr. Ercument Çiçek will chair the event.

HIBIT 2021 (14th The International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics) will be organized as a virtual event by Bilkent University. Dr. Ercument Cicek will chair the event.

The International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics  is in its fourteenth year. It aims to bring together academics, researchers, and practitioners from medical, biological, and information technology sectors to create a synergy. It is one of the few conferences emphasizing such a synergy. It provides a forum for discussion, exploration, and development of theoretical and practical aspects of health informatics and bioinformatics. Also, it gives researchers a chance to follow current research in their field by constructing networks.

More information can be obtained from: HIBIT 2021.

Prof. Doğrusöz’s project on “effective analysis of big data through graph visualization” received TÜBİTAK support.

Prof. Doğrusöz’s project on “effective analysis of big data through graph visualization” received TÜBİTAK support.
Prof. Uğur Doğrusöz’s project on “Effective Analysis of Big Data Through Graph Visualization with A Unified Complexity Management Framework” received support form TÜBİTAK 1001 program.
Visualizing big data with graphs is an extremely valuable method for effective analysis of relational data as it makes analysis easier for human beings, bringing out broad relationships, uncovering patterns and emerging trends, and providing deeper insight for decision makers. Management of complexity of large graphs is a recurring requirement for today’s visual analysis software. Numerous complexity management techniques are available in graph visualization from simple operations such as filtering and hiding unwanted details, and clustering and collapsing clusters on demand.
Currently, there is no framework or data structure unifying various kinds of complexity management operations to be compatible and work together in sync. This project is to fill this void by building such a framework

AI Summer School for high school students took place on July 27-29, 2021. Dr. Hamdi Dibeklioğlu gave the lectures.

AI Summer School for high school students took place on July 27-29, 2021. Dr. Hamdi Dibeklioğlu  gave the lectures.

Bilkent AI Summer School is organized by Computer Engineering Department for high school students. The students get opportunity to learn about computer engineering, basic programming, and contemporary artificial intelligence  and machine learning topics. Besides lectures, there are labs that enable the students to apply what they learn. At the end of the education, students are able to do some basic programming and AI projects on their own.

This year the summer school took place on July 27-29, 2021. Dr. Hamdi Dibeklioglu from Computer Engineering Department gave the lectures. A team of teaching assistants coordinated the labs and helped the students in their hands-on assignments.

To get more information, please visit the website of the summer school.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Dündar’s project on multi-modal image inpainting received TÜBİTAK 3501 support.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Dündar’s project on  multi-modal image inpainting received TÜBİTAK 3501 support.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Dündar’s project on “Semantically conditioned multi-modal image inpainting” received TÜBİTAK 3501 support.

Image inpainting, the task of filling missing pixels in the most realistic manner, is a difficult task requiring a high level of understanding of the scene. A successful image inpainting algorithm provides an important image editing tool that can be used by daily users as well as architects and designers. Recently, deep learning methods have also dominated this task as it happened in other computer vision tasks. Even though much progress has achieved in this domain, results are far from perfect. In this project, a multimodal representation for semantically conditioned image  inpainting algorithm will be designed to synthesize diverse results and provide controllobility to the user of the inpainted area.